2 Jul 2020
Why does security awareness matter?

☝🏻Almost 20% of successful attacks are based on phishing and social engineering, according to CLUSIT.
↪️Through social engineering, the attacker builds a relationship of trust with the victim in order to gain classified information or make him commit illegal actions which benefits the attacker.
📧BEC (Business E-mail Compromise) is a classic example in which the user (through e-mails apparently coming from a legit sender) is led to execute unauthorized operations such as wire transfers on offshore accounts.
❗️This type of attack exploits human vulnerabilities.
❗️The nature and the complexity of this threat makes extremely difficult to be protected by only technical solutions.
❗️The only real defense in this case is awareness. Users must be able to recognize a dangerous situation from a legit one.
📖An effective training should adapt to the user level and cannot be only theoretical, but it should also include the simulation of real-life threats.
Real life simulations can check how the user reacts to the training and at the same time ensure a continuous training by keeping them up to date on new threats.
➡️Phishing campaigns are completely customizable, and they are realized by our specialists to reflect real world threats and adapt to the need of the client.
➡️Fragma Security Awareness is a completely managed solution that does not require any action from the client.
Our team can deliver the right training module to the user, prepare phishing campaigns and send to the management regular reports about the status of the training and simulation
✉️ info@fragmasecurity.com
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